Monday, June 28, 2010


So last week there were these two lesbian chicks just totally going at it on top of me. I mean, this was some serious business. There was frenching, and fingering, and fisting, and other verbs that start with "F" that I will not begin to type. This goes on for a good fifteen minutes when, to be honest, I get bored myself. They wanted nothing to do with me and were being pretty snarky about it too. I refused to move because I mean, hey, it was a free show. So finally the skinny one gets smart -- she was one of those uppity feminist ones, you know, short hair, no bra, perky nipples, you know? -- and decides to take bladders into her own hands, and just straight up pisses on me. At this point, I'm just thinking to myself, "Man, I am covered in piss." No really I was covered in piss, it was no bueno. So I said fuck it, and toweled off on that bitches hemp tote bag and walked out into the night.

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