Wednesday, June 30, 2010

True Blue

"Aye, I remember the great days. Back, when each day was a fight for our freedom. Fighting for who we are as people, as men."
"But Grandpa, you were born in 1937. What was there to fight for then?"
"Sonny, you never heard of William Wallace?"
He took a bite of his deep-friend mars bar.
"Yes Grandpa, I've seen Braveheart."
He hit me in the shin with his cane, and started to yell, "You best watch your mouth boy! You're lucky that wasn't your head!"
Continuing, "William Wallace -- of modern times! -- was the greatest leader of the gay rights movement. Aye, that man had an ass as hard as bricks and arms that could lift a dozen lamb. Ahh, I can see him now, wearing that kilt like he used to, with no shorts of course."
He winked at me.
"Yes, those were the glory days. Come to think of it, your mention of Braveheart isn't all that unfounded, there was that one time where we all mooned city hall. But I digress, William Wallace was the man of that time, he was there and the only one to do what it is that he did; the man could have lead all the revolutions of the world in one night. You know, it's a shame how that man died."
"How, how was that?"
After another long chew of his mars bar.
"A wrecking ball fell on him."

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